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13,000 Kegels in 30 minutes!
30,000 Squats: your choice

Unlock inner wellness with the new Health Canada approved B-Pulse treatment

We know how important Kegel exercises are for the maintenance of the crucial pelvic floor muscles, however the vast majority of us do not make time to actively exercise these muscles.  What if you could contract your pelvic floor muscles 13,000 in 30 minutes painlessly while comfortably seated and fully dressed?  The B-Pulse chair is a revolutionary treatment for both men and women, and B-Sculpt is proud to be the only facility in Montreal to offer it.

The pelvic floor muscles hold the bladder and other organs up within the pelvis much like a hammock.  This is why having strong pelvic floor muscles can prevent incontinence for both men and women.  Pelvic floor exercises, especially in this extraordinary quantity, bring blood flow to the pelvic region both during and after treatment.  This blood flow encourages repair and vascularization of the area which leads to secondary benefits such as improved sexual performance and sensation for both men and women.  Pelvic floor training is also associated with countering the natural decrease of sexual hormones as we age, and even prevention of prostate issues.

B-PUlse chair.jpg

The B-Pulse device is available in downtown Montreal at B-Sculpt Medispa as of October 2023.  A revolutionary option for both men and women to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles quickly in order to overcome issues such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

Isn't it time to get your pelvic floor muscles back into shape the most efficient way possible?  It's a quality of life issue, and now there is a simple solution.


For women
  • Enhanced postpartum recovery

  • Increased sexual satisfaction for both partners


For Men​

  • Improved erectile function

  • Reduced premature ejaculation

  • Enhanced prostate health


For Both

  • Reduce urinary incontinence

  • Prevention and management of pelvic organ prolapse 

  • Greater bowel control

One device, two functions

Yes, the B-Pulse device is not only designed to induce pelvic floor contractions, there is a distinct mode designed for toning and firming the glutes! In this case the contractions are supramaximal contractions much like with the B-Shape T.M.C device, only more powerful specifically since the glutes are the body's largest muscles.  

Fun facts

Did you know that there are numerous muscles within the pelvic floor muscle group?  They have distinct functions such as restricting the flow of urine and stool, and for men, semen.  For men they also play a role in maintaining erections.  For women they are responsible for the muscle tone of the vaginal walls.  This is why toning these muscles leads to such diverse health benefits.

Newest and most advanced device of it's kind

Discreet - remain fully clothed

Package of 6 treatments can be done in as little as 2 weeks

Are you experiencing these issues?

Bladder leakage when coughing or sneezing

Lack of control over timing of climax

Seeking rejuvenation and vascularization of tissues in intimate area

Looking for increased feeling of vaginal tightness during intercourse

Concerned about the future need for adult protection garments

Desire for increased sensation and stronger orgasms

Signs of erectile dysfunction: difficulty achieving or maintaining erections

Frequent need to empty bladder reducing quality of life and sleep

Reduced urinary flow due to weak pelvic floor

Still have questions?

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